Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Where do I begin?

I had a life changing event take place on July 27th, 2009. I found out my husband had been unfaithful. That morning sitting at my desk at work changed me forever. I am not divorced yet, but I will be. I never in a million years thought I would EVER get divorced...I never in a million years thought someone would cheat on me...I certainly NEVER would have brought a child into this world if I thought for one moment he would grow up with his Daddy only in his life part time. Most days I am encouraged about mine & Easton's future, but there are days I want to crawl back in bed and not have to deal with my new reality.

What I do know is that God has never left me and He has provided for us so far and that He will continue to provide. I also know that I have the most amazing group of friends a girl could ever dream of. See, so, even though I have not had the most perfect fairy tale, I am truly blessed! That is the hope that keeps me going.

I wanted to get back on and blog, but I was so uncertain about my future. Now I know I will be doing it as a single Mom, and I am okay with that. I want to continue MY story on here...all of the ups and downs of being a Mom. It is the one thing that hasn't changed. I am STILL a Mom!

Easton, you are and have been the most amazing blessing to your Momma...I could not have asked for a better kid. You make me laugh daily and you help me see how beautiful the simple things can be. You make me stop long enough to smell the roses...literally! :) We make quite the team. Thank you for being my Son, and I LOVE YOU!


Lesley said...

Oh my friend...I am sitting here with tears pouring down. Thank you for being brave and sharing your story...oh how I wish I could have known how to be praying for you the past few months. BUT it sounds like the Lord has been ever faithful even without my prayers!! LOL! I am so proud of you---and love you so very much...and wish I was there to hang out with you,take our boys to play and just BE. Know I am here--far away thinking of you and Easton and praying for continued strength for you. Hugs, hugs Jen Jen!!

Nikki said...

JenJen, I am so touched by your blog (which I just read in its entirety :) and specifically this post. Your courage and boldness to be so transparent is amazing. I know we are far away geographically, but your blog makes me feel like I'm next door. I miss your smiling face and love you my friend.
Hugs to you,

P.S. Easton is a sweetheart.